Born 1955 in Harrisonburg, Virginia
E-Mail Him
Chapter One
The Early Years
I was born in a log cabin I helped my father build. When I was five, my Dad met
a person who would change my life forever – my Mother. At any rate, I never
played in the streets of Harrisonburg like all of my little friends and never
went to school and attended parties. This could be because my parents moved to
Orange, Virginia. I really liked school. Third grade was three of my favorite
It was there that I was exposed to the fine culture and scholastic examples of
the Master, Spike Jones. Here he is pictured with some of the Yo-Yo’s in his
band, most notably Freddy Morgan and Sir Frederick Gas. Soon after I decided
that a life in the Arts would be perfect for a unique personality as mine.

John Phillip Sousa had an opening for the lead trumpet player and so I toured
with the band until the final concert that was to claim J.P.’s life and break
up the band. It was a marathon concert and ultimately claimed the lives of all
of the players – you see, they played the “Stars and Stripes….
…wait for it…

…forever.” That’s me, with the funny hat. I finally earned enough money to live
in the style I was growing accustomed to and moved into the Wampler Estates and
renovated the old mansion as it was when the Wampler’s ruled the North American

One thing led to another and before I knew it, My neighbors threw me a welcome
party - but the Tar and Feathers were not to my taste, so I decided to travel
the world and discover new lands, meet new people, slay them and steal their
possessions and set sail one blustery day on the good Ship Lollypop.

Along the way, I met many lovely women like Carly Simon who threw them selves
at me…

But missed…
Be here for the next installment as I describe my youthful
innocence and how I achieved fame and fortune only to throw it away to teach
America’s youth.
Part II