The River Hill High
School Marching Band recently spent five days in West
Virginia at band camp to prepare for the fall season.
Despite several days of rain and muddy after-effects, plus
some significant heat and humidity, the group remained
positive and upbeat.
On the final day, band director Steve Wampler presented a
number of awards for outstanding performances.
These awards were: Outstanding Rookie - Angela Hawke;
Outstanding Brass - David Jacobson; Outstanding Woodwind -
Megan Watzin; Outstanding Percussion - Brett Sauers;
Outstanding Guard - Tiffany Underwood; Outstanding Music -
Trumpet Section; Outstanding Marching - Percussion Section;
Outstanding Attitude - Flute Section; Outstanding Section -
Baritones; and the coveted Grand Champion of the March-Off -
Josh Miles.
The marching band has a fantastic program planned for
this fall. A show called "A Tribute to the Beatles" will be
performed at halftime of each River Hill home football game.
The show will be performed under the direction of drum
majors Megan Morales, Sheryl Kiernan and Matt Sauers and
guard captains Tiffany Underwood and Marie LaFerrierre.
Home football games are scheduled for Sept. 8 and 22, and
Oct. 6, 13, and 20. Each game begins at 2 p.m. in the
stadium at the school on Route 108 in Clarksville.
To help support the music program, students will be
selling the complete line of Tupperware products again this
fall. If you are not on the mailing list and would like to
be involved in any fund-raisers, contact a music student or
Sue Zimmerman, president of the Music Boosters, at
You can also become a music patron, which will get you
tickets to winter and spring concerts and an invitation to a
special reception, along with your name (or company name)
listed in concert programs.
This is a wonderful way to support music education. For
further information on becoming a patron, contact Jane
Slattery, chairwoman of the Patron Program, at 301-854-6897.
The River Hill Dance Company is sponsoring a fund-raising
car wash at the school Sept. 15 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Your
support is appreciated.