The Wampler Family |
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The Wampler Family Wampler men have been attracted to … ah…delicate
featured women for many generations. Great-Great-Great-Great-Great
Grandma Gretta also had an eye out for handsome men.
In this photo, she popped it back in. Her son was never able to grow a full beard.
Luckily his wife Ophelia was able to fulfill that dream for him. Their daughter, Agnes Roach-elle had that “come
hither” look that all of the Wampler women use to attract rich wealthy men. Wampler men tend to be shy introverted
personalities. They are often set
up on blind dates and are forced…I mean, choose… their women sight unseen.
Great Aunt Slattery is an example of a blind date that sparked into
romance. The Wampler men have worked in various trades,
seafaring men…
…playboys intent upon spending the family fortune…
Used car salesmen (Uncle Clyde never took NO!)…
Aunt Bonnie used to have her way of making sure Uncle
Clyde brought ALL of his commissions home! They were certainly a happy crew at family
reunions! Uncle Harry grew hair for a living… Uncle Fred was a professional male model.
His specialty was modeling numbers.
There’s an interesting story about Uncle Fred.
Too bad I can’t remember it. Side view, please. Now
Front view! Next……. Finally came Great Uncle Xavier, who was a great
lady killer…they dropped the charges. Alright,
most of them anyway. Xavier had a
bad temper and could bite your head off.
If you weren’t quick. He
had 19 children…for dinner at various times.
We were kind of relieved when he finally found his final resting place.
Too bad he was still alive when they put him there! Uncle Henry was known to catch cannon balls on his
head during the “Big One” WWII.
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