From: Steven & Valerie
Wampler []
Subject: Fwd: Tiny Tots Alert
Original Date Sent: Tue 11.27.01
E-Mail Content:
>This is a message sent to the teachers to alert them about Tiny Tots
>Concerts! This info applies to you as well if you are on this list! Read
>it, memorize it and make sure you contact your teachers so they are not
IMPORTANT! We will have parents in class on Friday to accept money if you
wish to have the FAMOUS WAMPLER PIZZA DEAL, invented at the first Tiny Tots
Concert in 1990 - 2 slices of Pepperoni or cheese pizza and a cold soda for
$3.00. If you want one for the 4th and 5th, bring in $6.00. Otherwise
bring a bag lunch or eat in the Cafeteria.
7:15-7:30 Drop off uniforms in the band room
9:15 Come to band room from 2nd period class - some of you will
be in Wind Ensemble Already
9:45 Warm up ON STAGE
10:00 Kids come in
10:15 Places for Wind Ensemble
10:28 Tuning Note
10:30 Tiny Tots!
11:15 Concert Ends - strike stage
11:30 Pizza Distribution after everything is taken care of!
12:15 Back in Class for the end of Third Period
Saturday report time is 1:00 for a 2:00 Concert!
Still no senior all-state results!
Mr Wampler
>Hello RHHS Staff
>One of River Hill HS's annual events is the Tiny Tots
>Concert Series. The Wind Ensemble has performed for
>over 4,000 tiny tots since RHHS opened it's doors.
>This year the Tiny Tots Concerts will be happening on
>December 4 & 5. The Students need to be released from
>2nd period at 9:15 and will be returning to class at
>12:15. The students are responsible for making up any
>work during this time and have traditionally enjoyed
>this concert. There is an additional concert on the
>following Saturday at 2:00 at $2.50 per person. Staff
>Members and one guest are free, so come see a totally
>entertaining concert.
>Every year we have a theme that is mixed with seasonal
>music and our 2001 theme is "American Classical Music
>- Jazz!" The School Concerts begin at 10:30 and are
>sold out, but if you are free and don't mind standing,
>come see over 650 kids enjoy Satchmo, Ellington, et
>all with Hanukkah and Christmas music! And the
>inevitable list of students follows this message.
>Thanks for your support!
>Steven Wampler
>Band Director
>Adler, Danny
>Almond, Gregory
>Basch, Matthew
>Bendoraitis, Katie
>Berry, Anna
>Bosmans, Bryan
>Buckus, Karlee
>Bumgarner, Russ
>Burroughs, Derek
>Choi, Debbi
>Chung, Haewon
>Churns, Matthew
>Cobbleigh, Chris
>Colvin, Alec
>Curtin, Ryan
>Davis, Andy
>Deitrich, Casey
>DeRemigis, Dan
>Dreuschel, Gayden
>Ellingson, Leif
>Elliott, Mark
>Fleg, Stephen
>Gadziala, Janet
>Goins, Kelly
>Gortayo, Addie
>Griesbach, Bob
>Griesbach, Jennifer
>Gulliford, Adam
>Hahm, Young
>Hawke, Angela
>Hill, Tim
>Jacobson, David
>Jacques, Emily
>Johnson, Chris
>Joseph, Natalie
>Kiernan, Sheryl
>Kim, Justin,
>LaFerriere, Marie
>LaFerriere, Theresa
>Magers, Laura
>McKay, Melanie
>Meney, Lindsay
>Michael, Michelle
>Miles, Josh
>Morales, Megan
>Murali, Supraja
>Panchal, Vishal
>Pernick, Sarah
>Petre, Karl
>Petre, Melinda
>Pick, Ben
>Quinn, Paul
>Reid, Evan
>Riggin, Alyse
>Rolnick, Tessa
>Saini, Tarleen
>Sauers, Brett
>Sauers, Matt
>Smith, Charley
>Sohr, Nick
>Stader, Marcus
>Stiller, Andrew
>Stoneman, Ben
>Summers, Alec
>Suther, Becky
>Swann, Erin
>Synk, Danny
>Tarricone, Alli
>Thomas, Hilary
>Thurman, Jason
>Tindale, Erica
>Tindale, Laura
>Udyavar, Rhea
>Ulan, Matt
>Underwood,, Tiffany
>Varner, Meredith
>Watzin, Brian
>Welch, Mike
>Wollen Suzanne
>Wollen, Suzanne
>Zahm, Matthew
>Zimmerman, Paul
>Lipschitz, Tondelayo
>Steven WamplerRiver Hill HS BandDirector of
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Steven Wampler
Valerie Wampler