From: Steven & Valerie
Wampler []
Subject: Check the easel!
Original Date Sent: Sun 11.25.01
E-Mail Content:
PRACTICE CHARTS ARE DUE ON THURSDAY - Friday is grade day for me, so I must
have them on Thursday. YES, they will affect your grade if they are not in,
No I will not do grade change forms for you if you don't get them in. 60
minutes a week for each week starting November 12 - That's 180 minutes
Fruit forms are due December 5 with a delivery on December 15. I
understand that NHS hours can be awarded for the unloading activity.
RHHStival is January 25, if you or someone you know is interested in
performing, you need to submit a tape or CD soon to be included.
I hope you all enjoyed the holiday, less than a month until the next one!
Megan Morales, Addy Gortayo and Hilary Thomas have volunteered to MC, I
would still like 3 guys to balance the reading! See me ASAP!
I will be giving student conductors a shot at Chestnuts Roasting on an Open
Fire - it's the one I play trumpet for.
Needed, from Guard or Symphonic Band - people to wear costumes and be elves,
etc for Tiny Tots, must be able to attend ALL performances, no negotiation.
Wind Ensemble members are required to be at all performances!
Mr Wampler
Steven Wampler
Valerie Wampler