RIVER HILL High School band director Steve Wampler launched his fourth
Tiny Tots Concert on Tuesday at the school in Clarksville. The theme
was "Americana Holiday," and the program included such old
favorites as "Give My Regards to Broadway" and "You're
a Grand Old Flag."
Wampler began staging student concerts for children while working
as a band director in Fairfax County, Va. A friend, who also directed
a band, told Wampler that his Tiny Tots concerts were selling out.
Wampler started the concerts at his Virginia school and met similar
When he moved to River Hill, he decided to carry the idea with him.
"At first, I think all the parents thought I was a little
crazy," he said, "but I said, 'Trust me,' and it has been a
real successful venture for us."
On Tuesday morning, as children walked up to the theater, costumed
characters welcomed them outside the building. Rudolph the Red-Nosed
Reindeer, Tinker the Elf, Paul Revere and Mrs. Snowman were there to
greet and say goodbye to everyone as they entered and exited the
The River Hillbillies, led by orchestra director Rosemary Lather,
played in the theater's foyer. Inside the theater, the children saw a
stage decorated with flags hanging from the ceiling, along with candy
canes and lighted deer. Poinsettias lined the front of the stage, and
large wrapped holiday presents surrounded the audience.
The 10:15 a.m. performance drew mostly school groups that arrived
by bus; the 2 p.m. performance included parents and children from the
The wind ensemble played "Peter and the Wolf," while
drama students, under the direction of teacher Pam Land, acted out the
story. Wolf and hunters entered through the main doors and proceeded
to the stage. The wolf raised his paws and growled.
At the end of the play, the actors marched through the audience,
waving. The children and adults laughed, waved back and clapped
"This is our fourth annual Tiny Tots Concert," Wampler
said, "and every year, we get a chance to play music in front of
little boys and girls who really enjoy the whole concert."
Throughout the 50-minute performance, Wampler introduced the
instruments played by members of the wind ensemble.
"Hopefully, [the audience members] take home a little more
than just coming on a field trip, because we try to make it as
educational as possible," he said.
At one point, a student took over the band direction, while Wampler
played a trumpet solo of "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open
Fire," and five tap artists danced onstage. Teacher Jill
Blizzard, who leads the River Hill Dance Company, choreographed the
Wampler congratulated the audience members and thanked them for
their enthusiasm and support of the band. He invited them to
"clap one more time" for the performers. "I get
applause any way I can," he joked.
The madrigal singers and choir entered, dressed in black suits and
long, black glittery gowns, and sang "God Bless America"
while the wind ensemble played along.
For the finale, the choir, directed by Betsy Graff, sang
"America the Beautiful."
At the end of the performance, Wampler announced that every child
would receive a small gift - courtesy of area businesses.
River Hill High School's Tiny Tots Concert will be presented again
at 2 p.m. Saturday in the school's auditorium. Admission is $2.50.
Information: Pat Knaack, 301-596-9950.