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12101 Route 108 Clarksville, MD 21029 Phone: (410) 313-6927 FAX: (410) 313-7406 MUFFINS, COOKIES AND BROWNIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS This year, the River Hill High School Music Boosters will be selling Otis Spunkmeyer muffins, frozen cookie dough and frosted brownies. These are great products to store in your freezer for the holidays. Muffins and brownies must be pre-ordered, and will be available for your purchase in December. Frozen cookie dough will be available for purchase on December 16th.MUFFINS AND BROWNIES Muffin and brownie sales can help students earn money for their individual student accounts. For each tray of muffins or sheet of brownies sold, a student salesperson, if you have one, or designate one, will receive $3.00 which can be used to help pay for the upcoming spring trip. Therefore, when completing the order form, please make sure to include the name of your student salesperson.There are two sizes of muffins available this year. Colossal muffins (4 oz.) are packaged in trays of 12, individually wrapped, and cost $11.00 per tray. Flavors available are: blueberry, banana nut and chocolate chocolate chip. Regular muffins (2.25 oz.) are packaged in trays of 24, individually wrapped, and cost $11.00 per tray. Flavors are: blueberry, banana nut, chocolate chocolate chip and apple cinnamon. Low fat muffins (2.25 oz.) are also packaged in trays of 24, individually wrapped, and cost $12.00 per tray. They come in your choice of blueberry or banana nut. Frosted, No-Nut Brownies are sold in 17.5” x 13” sheets that are cut into 40 - 2oz brownies. The cost for each sheet is $15.00. For the December delivery, your order must be received at the above address (or hand delivered to the Music Department) by December 6th in order to receive delivery on December 16th. PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of your student salesperson to deliver your muffins and/or brownies to you. If you do not have a student salesperson or you wish to make special arrangements with your student salesperson to pick up your own orders, they may be picked up in the school’s cafeteria from 10:00 am to noon on the date of delivery, which will coincide with the date for fruit delivery. FROZEN COOKIE DOUGH Frozen cookie dough will also be available for purchase on December 16th (the fruit delivery day) at the cost of $4.00 per dozen. The following varieties are available for sale: chocolate chip, double chocolate chip, sugar, white chocolate macadamia and M&M. Because we will have large quantities of the frozen cookie dough available on the day of pick up, you need not pre-order the frozen cookie dough, unless you wish to purchase a case (approximately 240 cookies for $50.00) or a half case (approximately 120 cookies for $30.00). Student salespersons will earn $5 for each case, and $3 for each half case they sell, which will go into their student accounts. Please call Julie Hancock at (301) 854-2498 if you have any questions or wish to preorder cookie dough. PLEASE NOTE: Concerning pick up, the frozen cookie dough may be picked up in the school’s cafeteria from 10:00 am to noon. If you are ordering muffins and/or brownies along with your cookie dough for delivery on December 16th, you may wish to pick them all up at the same time. Thank you for your continued support of the Music Department’s programs. RIVER HILL HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC BOOSTERS DECEMBER 2000 MUFFIN AND BROWNIE ORDER FORM Please indicate below the number of muffin trays or brownie sheets you would like to order. Make your check payable to: RHHS Music Boosters. Your order must be received at the following address (or hand delivered to the Music Department) by December 6th to ensure delivery on December 16th. River Hill High School Music Boosters, 12101 Route 108, Clarksville, MD 21209. Please mark your envelope with the words “Muffin/Brownie Order.” 4 oz. Colossal Muffins - 12 per tray @ $11.00 per tray _____ BLUEBERRY _____ BANANA NUT _____ CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHIP 2.25 oz. Muffins - 24 per tray @ $11.00 per tray _____ BLUEBERRY _____ BANANA NUT _____ APPLE CINNAMON _____ CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHIP 2.25 oz. Low-Fat Muffins - 24 per tray @ 12.00 per tray _____ BLUEBERRY _____ BANANA NUT Frosted No Nut Brownies - 5 lb. 17.5” x 13” sheet @ $15.00 per sheet _____ BROWNIES Name_____________________________ Student Salesperson_________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number___________________________________ Amount Enclosed _______________ |
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